UBC Chinese Canadian Studies Initiative and Burnaby Village Museum Celebrate Unique Five-Year Collaboration with a Retrospective video
August 11, 2023
Burnaby, BC – Since 2018, students from the Initiative for Student Teaching and Research in Chinese Canadian Studies (INSTRCC) at UBC have been working with the Burnaby Village Museum (BVM) to develop projects that highlight Chinese Canadian history in Burnaby. Through the collaboration, the students have interned with the museum and created materials that explore […]Burnaby Village Museum Projects (Summer 2021): Hands on Surveying and “The Hands On Our Food”
June 17, 2023
In 2021, UBC INSTRCC student research assistants once again had the opportunity to partner with the Burnaby Village Museum (BVM) on summer projects that support their museum programs. This year, there were two student teams who supported program development and program evaluation.Retrospective on “A Seat at the Table”
April 14, 2023
After two and a half years, the award-winning A Seat at the Table exhibition, jointly hosted at the Museum of Vancouver (MOV) and the Chinese Canadian Museum (CCM), has come to a close and will continue as a travelling exhibition throughout Vancouver Island museums. Using food and restaurant culture as narrative entry point and visual […]‘What’s Your Blend?’ Garlic Pickling Workshop [blog]
February 4, 2023
This project was my introduction to working with INSTRCC, and I am very grateful for everything I learned from the experiences and people I got to work with! The “What’s your blend?” garlic pickling workshop was the final part of the summer project, where we got to see our work be used and shared with […]Richmond Growing [Blog]
January 13, 2023
This summer, we (Shirley Ting and An Xu) were offered the amazing opportunity to develop Richmond Growing, a social media campaign, in collaboration with Urban Bounty. As a community-based food security initiative, Urban Bounty has over 20 years of experience in community programming, engagement, and advocacy. Their expertise and guidance was invaluable in co-developing Richmond […]Finding Community: Connecting with Other Chinese Immigrants in Richmond (Short Film Series)
December 30, 2022
In the past few decades, Richmond has solidified its reputation as a vibrant diasporic community. The journey of Chinese immigrants to Canada has been exciting, challenging, and nothing close to monolithic. For many, the decision to immigrate was not an easy one. Migrants had to leave behind their homes, their families, and their communities in […]INSTRCC 2022 Recap
December 23, 2022
In a blink, another year has flown by! In 2022, we at UBC INSTRCC saw our biggest cohort of student researchers yet, working on a record number of projects with a diverse range of community partners. Thank you for your continued support of our students’ work! Here’s a taste of some of the projects we […]Chinatown, Existing: Community Resilience in Vancouver’s Chinatown & Beyond [Blog]
January 26, 2022
This past summer, I had the opportunity and pleasure to work alongside Andrew Sandfort-Marchese, Shirley Ting, and Emma Quan to develop a field trip program for Grades 9-10 students in partnership with the Chinese Canadian Museum (CCM) and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden (the Garden). With the help of museum coordinators, local teachers, and […]Fish Tales: Community-based Storytelling with the Gulf of Georgia Cannery
January 18, 2022
Last year’s ACAM 390A: Food and the Heritage of Chinese Migrations seminar was conducted virtually, however, that did not prevent community-engaged learning from being a key aspect of the course. As such, students had the opportunity to work with local organizations and pitch their course projects to a wider audience at the ACAM 390A Virtual […]Chinatown Reimagined: A Community Forum on Cultural Heritage-Making
January 4, 2022
With growing community efforts to recognize Vancouver’s Chinatown as a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site, UBC INSTRCC’s most recent project hopes to highlight revitalization efforts within an important site of Canadian history. Our collaboration with the City of Vancouver’s Chinatown Transformation Team and Chinatown Legacy Stewardship Group brought subject experts and community leaders to […]